Scrapping, Not Flooding....

Even though the focus of our lives continues to be the flooded basement -- the scrapping goes on even in the middle of the mess.
The flooding is the star of this week's "Saturday" page featuring my youngest daughter who is 10 months old. Every Saturday of her young life I have taken a photo of her and done a very simple scrabook page. And I really mean simple. The focus for this scrapbook was to chronicle her growth and milestones this first year. She is 6 weeks away from her first birthday and I am feeling proud of myself for keeping this going.
It is an 8 x8 album -- one page per Saturday. The journalling is handwritten and the sentiment is always heartfelt. I was inspired to do this album by something I read once on the "Two Peas in a Bucket" website. It is not an original idea, but I have executed it in my own way.
Other than that, "The Scrapford Wives" met Friday night for our sorta once a month crop. Hillary and I always take the opportunity to drink wine, catch up on our lives and show off our newest scrap purchases. Kelly is very organized and now brings projects for us (a cute handbag album this time!). Guess who has completed albums and who has a bulletin board made out of corks????
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