Snow Day!

Not a lot of snow today. Just a few inches. Not enough for me to have to work on a day off. Just enough to slow life down.
The bundling up process today seemed to take FOREVER. For some reason 30 degrees and snowy is soooo much colder than 30 degrees and no snow. This isn't a meteorological phenomenon. It's a "Mom-enom".
The drive to preschool took 15 minutes longer than usual because no one takes back roads on a snow day. And the trek across the lot with all 3 was particualrly icy. As we walked along Francesca was determined to jump into every little pile that had been shovelled off of a sidewalk. She walked in endless circles just to see what her footprints looked like. She stopped and cleared the snow off of every wheel well we passed. I tried to hurry her along so we could get to all those unending errands before it was time to go back for Sophia. But she couldn't be bothered stepping up the pace. She turned to me and exclaimed "Isn't this a great day, Mommy?".
Yes, dear -- you are right -- it is a geat day you little snow angel you......
ain't it great to be a kid?! you still find magic in everyday life.
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