Moving Onward and Upward

We are marching past sickness into the rest of our lives! Here is the altered planner I did for my "Donna Every Week of the Year" online scrapbooking class. I have been buying these planners for years and never considered "altering" one. That's why Donna teaches the class and I just participate.
The very fact that I am posting projects must tell you that we are out of the dark side. In fact, the little patient is napping right now and the croup twins are playing shopping. Last night's score was Gabriella up twice -- Francesca up twice. But the happier news is Joe took care of Gigi which meant two things -- I only had to run in for Francesca and the baby really does go back to sleep faster for him than me -- I think it has to do with the absence of snuggling. Anway -- he's feeling a little tired. I had about five combined hours and can once again take on the world.
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