Queen for a Day -- Princess for a Lifetime

There's been quite a celebration at our house today. Princess Sophia is now 4 years old.
Her day began with presents and breakfast (Gammy C never made US wait for presents!). We took pink sparkly iced cupcakes to Preschool where her teacher, Miss Cathy, was waiting with a pink and purple crown. The birthday girl chooses the dinner menu and Sophia asked for Macaroni and Cheese (I made the Blue Willow Inn version rather than the Blue Box), hot dogs (Oscar Meyer, again, just like Gammy C) and she was adamant we should eat in the dining room because this was a special occasion. Sophia and Francesca added peanut butter, mixed fruit cups and ketchup to the table (in case anyone wanted those). After supper we celebrated with a crown cake and opened more presents (thanks Gammy and Gampy -- we'll call in the morning and serenade you with the harp!).
The night ended with a slumber party on the floor of their room. Two exhausted Princesses snuggled together under their comforters with a full complement of stuffed toys and dolls.
I guess I am just a quivering mass of Jell-o. When Sophia burst into the bathroom this morning to announce 'Hey Mommy, I'm 4".. I started tearing up. It takes me back to four years ago today racing down Germantown Avenue so she would be born in a hospital and not in the front seat of my Lexus! It takes me back to those first 48 hours of her life when she did nothing but scream. I will never forget the smell of her breath and the force of air out of her lungs as she complained LOUDLY about everything from the service to the milk bar. Here's what I know four years later. I STILL can't really make her happy. She rolls her eyes at me so often they are likely to get stuck there! I don't move fast enough, provide the right items, complete the laundry in a timely manner -- heck, I don't even regulate the temperature in the car to her satisfaction. But at the end of the day it is me -- and only me - she wants. For hugs, kisses, tuck-ins and the reassurances that tomorrow really will be a fun day.
In an unguarded moment today Sophia did share in the midst of all the birthday excitement that she is the "luckiest girl". No sweetie, you are the SECOND luckiest girl -- right behind Mommy.
How perfect!!! Make sure you scrap that - the journaling is done.
ps - big birthday hugs and kisses to the Princess - we will see her Saturday!
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