Stop Me...

If you're getting tired of the bedtime escapades at our house. But tonight's episode featured the age old decision, "Which bed will we sleep in?"
Highly unusual, since they had never ventured into each other's beds before.
Tonight the sound from upstairs was "scamper, scamper, giggle, giggle".. pause .... and repeat. I stopped in and they were relocating from Sophia's bed into Francesca's. They promised to be quiet and make a decision soon.
I stopped back by a few minutes later and found this -- the two of them all wrapped up together -- with Bear and Pink Bear in the mix. They look like peaceful angels now crushed together in the toddler bed. I'm afraid it won't be too many hours before they get uncomfortable since they are both thrashers at night. But I'll leave them be for now.
In other news -- today was my first ever parent-teacher conference. This just in -- Sophia is a TALKER. Apparently this is why her progress report says she's not perfect in "organizing her belongings" and "getting dressed". Miss Cathy says our little butterfly is just too darn busy talking to the other little girls (NOT the boys) to get things done. Sophia apparently can already multi-task - carrying on gossipy conversations DURING lessons. Miss Cathy says she's getting the work done, but talking as well.
This is no surprise to Joe and me who have been praying for her to stop and take a breath since she was 14 months old and pushed a book at me demanding "Is that Barney?" The articles said she would be using a few identifier words then but she skipped straight to sentences.
This will also come as no surprise to any of you who remember the end of my rather short-lived ballerina career had a lot to do with talking in class....
So I come full circle tonight to say that "Chatty Cathy" is fast asleep and blissfully quiet -- with her arms protectively around her tinier, yet not the least bit quieter, little sister.
Earplugs, anyone????
omg - like little angels. perhaps all the talking is why the girls and ryan get along so famously! lol
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