Chap Scraps... and so much more

A journal of scrapbooking and memorable moments.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


That's what we are some days. Just silly. It's been a busy week so far -- we have spent hours and hours in Doctor's Offices for a variety of reasons.

The girls are all healthy -- Sophia and Gabriella received immunizations -- and we weigh 42, 29 and 25 pounds.

I seem to have wrenched my back chasing the 25 pounder -- and am on ice and Motrin therapy. I've also received the depressing news that my eyes are getting worse -- that contact lenses may not do the trick anymore -- and I am not a candidate for Lasik. Getting old stinks.

I need another dose of silly!


At 1:43 PM, Blogger hchybinski said...

how sweet they are - superstars!

sorry about the back - thought you would wait until our trip to QVC to hurt yourself - lol

hey that's stinky about the eyes. . .i fear my perscription has changed. . .i'm a chicken for lasik!

we need some big-girl silly. . .


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