Spring Shearing....

The girls were all in need of haircuts so I trundled them off to what they affectionately call "the haircut store". I decided to just get everyone shortened up and shaped up for the season. I figured shorter would cut down on the Sophia tangle screams I endure each morning. Francesca needed those bangs out of her eyes immediately -- they grow like weeds. And Gabriella still struggles with baby wisps -- she needed another complete shaping in the interest of growing it nicely.
I think they look neater and cleaner. To hear Joe tell it, I let a sheep herder with clippers loose near their heads. For someone who has few opinions on the way the four of us look -- he always has something to say about hair.
So here is Baby Gigi with her new "do". And I ask you scrapbookers, doesn't she look a little like CZ??? (See blog list to the right if you have no idea who this scrapbooking goddess is.)
she DOES look like CZ!!!! I little gel and she is set. . .tell Joe to be glad you didn't get the #3, like we do these days!
well, not me - I am in DESPERATE need of a new "do".
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