Farewell, Rojo.....

So here it is our final day of our first year of Preschool. Now I know we have MANY more years of first and last days, but for some reason I was a big bowl of Jell-o today as we said our goodbyes.
Sophia looked so grown up today in a dress (her choice) and tights (definitely her choice) and her winter flats with the bows (ABSOLUTELY her choice). I didn't fight her -- it's what made her feel good and after all it's not like she was naked! We toddled in like usual -- she really didn't want me to take too may pictures. And I was so surprised that the walls of the classroom were completely bare and everything seemed "packed up". No end of the year fanfare, no special program, no real inkling when our Room Mother would present the gift cards we chipped in to buy. Just good-byes. Hard for me-- easier for my daughter.
"Rojo" has been our family lingo for school. Officially, she was a member of the Red Class. But since they had some Spanish she learned "rojo" early on and we never looked back.
After her final good-bye hugs today we held hands tightly and my eyes filled with tears as we walked away for the last time. For some reason a cheesy 1990's Semisonic tune was playing in my head... "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end". Rojo was a beginning for her. And now it is an end. But new beginnings await us -- all of us.
Enjoy the summer!
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