Organize This!

It's been a busy week around these parts. A whole lot of spring cleaning and organizing and not much bloggin'!
Anyway.. some of my projects have gotten a little more involved than when I started. Case in point -- the bill paying organizer for the desk and the cute little storage box for the case, clip, charger and iPod I can no lonmger live without.
My inspiration for dressing up these containers with tags and ribbons and stickers came from a great site Hillary introduced me to: . LOTS of great ideas.
And before I go I must share one very funny Joe story. (Funny for those you who know him as the "quicker picker upper" like we do.) I have always wanted to organize my cookbooks better. He put them away into a built-in bookcase when we moved here and I have always thought they looked messy --even though they weren't. I realized that what was bothering me was they needed to be organized by HEIGHT -- for a better look on the shelf. So I took them all down and put them away my way and I must say I am sleeping better at night.
Joe comes over to survey my work and says -- and I quote -- "Don't you think that's a little bit anal???" Now I ask you -- is that not the pot calling the kettle......?
LOL - did he really say that????? what a riot! Love the box and the basket - may have to lift those. . .
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