"I, Gigi"

I was moved to do this today during nap time - between the 3 loads of laundry, marinating the chicken and supervising the painting at the kitchen table..
Journalling as follows:
"I, Gigi".
That’s what you told me today as we sat rocking and reading
after your nap. {I, Gigi} We were going over the pictures and
words in your book (again!) when we ventured in a different
direction. This is Mommy. This is RaRa. {I, Gigi} That simple
declaration took my breath away. You are old enough to be
aware of who you are. {I, Gigi} You’ve either picked a favorite
of the dozen or so informal nicknames you have or it is just THAT
much easier to say than Gabriella. {I, Gigi} Your vocabulary and
language skills are growing by leaps and bounds. This week you
added “Come On” to get us to follow you and you told Daddy very
clearly, “Don’t Want To” at bedtime. But something about {I, Gigi}
makes me realize just how grown up you are now at almost 2.
{You, Gigi. I, Mommy. } And I love you. June 2006
Love it - she is SUCH a big girl!!! Great LO too!
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