This is what we look like according to Sophia. I am fascinated by her ability to add details to drawings. She is clear about things like eyes, hands, hair and feet. And she is observant. She told me last night at tuck-in time that her eyes were just like mine. And she is right.
She also let us leave preschool today without a fight. A hundred million hugs and kisses but they ended in a "see ya". (phew.) I don't know if it will last. She was very excited because it was our turn today to bring "healthy snack". We baked up a kid-friendly recipe of Chex Mix (no peanuts, no spices, no yukky wheat chex, etc.) and we put 15 servings into Halloween treat sacks. And just for a touch of panache, (and to show up the SAHM last week who couldn't be bothered to do more than drop off two bags of string cheese on the counter) we put our healthy snack in a wooden trick or treat box we own. (Sometimes, presentation is everything.)
She was excited when we rolled in with snack. (More excited than I, who in monsoon conditions, had to schlep a baby on my hip, a toddler and the preschooler along with the treat box carefully wrapped in a trash bag as we ran the gauntlet of aggressive minivan drivers in the lot. But I digress.) She was even more excited by the two craft projects underway in the Red Class. Miss Cathy was handing out scissors to make flying bats and if Sophia were old enough to have a hobby it would be cutting. And at the other table they were painting pictures of pumpkins. She's quite the crafter so this was preschool nirvana.
Speaking of crafting, we got ready for Christmas this past Sunday at a Stampin' Up workshop at my house. The products are great and the ideas are so inspirational. Now I can't wait to get my things. Oh to be able to craft full-time (sigh).
But alas -- I Produce full time and tomorrow is another day at the ranch. (sigh again).
But I'll wish I was crafting!