Chap Scraps... and so much more

A journal of scrapbooking and memorable moments.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Bright, Shiny Faces...

Isn't there some nursery school rhyme about being all lined up in a row with our bright, shiny faces????

This is what I came home to, tonight. I came back from my Monday Night workout (moved to Wednesday due to that alleged holiday) and when I approached the front walk, my little girls knocked on the window and giggled -- as only little girls can. Joe had bathed them so they were freshly scrubbed, with wet heads and clean smells, a different set of princess pajamas on each . And they came RUNNING down the stairs to see me.

After more than four years of parenting I still don't think I even begin to understand how much they want ME. To line them up and moisturize their little bodies, run conditioner through their hair, blow dry those wet heads into some kind of style. Then they each picked a book for me to read. One "Good Night, Blue" -- followed by "The Polar Express" and "Dinorella". Loads of good night hugs and kisses and blanket adjustments, and then kisses for each other, and then more stuffed animals and Barbies on board and then -- like magic -- the silence of sleep taking over.

There is an extra ritual here at 10pm. I carry Sophia to the potty so that (even in her sleep) she can complain and cluck her tongue at ne about disturbing her just to keep the sheets dry (hey, it works.) And then I scoop up Francesca, who begins each night on her comforter on the floor (pick your battles). She (still) weighs almost nothing, and I pick her up, blanket, pillow, Pink Bear and all, and deposit her into her bed. Our ritual is, I sing one line of the Mary Poppins good night song, and she smiles back at me and snuggles in for the rest of the night. I walk across the hall, and make sure Gabriella is covered by a blanket and that Ra-ra is within reach. And then I walk away. Marvelling at how much we need each other. My three girls and me. My little faces in the window. My little faces on the pillows. The three little people who have left an imprint on my heart that I never could have imagined.

Sweet dreams.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

No Fear...

This is Francesca witha tiny lizard in her hand. Actually, they were hawking them as "miniature dragons" today at the ArtsFest in Harrisburg. This is the only day of this alleged holiday weekend I am not in the ofice, so we went to Harrisburg to spend time with Grandpa Tony. In addition to the close encounter with the reptile, the girls made crowns and hand puppets, and dined on hot dogs and fried vegetables and even pumpkin funnel cake.

They were exhausted -- yet as only they can -- kept their eyes open every minute of the ride home!

Oh to be young with limitless energy!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Farewell, Rojo.....

So here it is our final day of our first year of Preschool. Now I know we have MANY more years of first and last days, but for some reason I was a big bowl of Jell-o today as we said our goodbyes.

Sophia looked so grown up today in a dress (her choice) and tights (definitely her choice) and her winter flats with the bows (ABSOLUTELY her choice). I didn't fight her -- it's what made her feel good and after all it's not like she was naked! We toddled in like usual -- she really didn't want me to take too may pictures. And I was so surprised that the walls of the classroom were completely bare and everything seemed "packed up". No end of the year fanfare, no special program, no real inkling when our Room Mother would present the gift cards we chipped in to buy. Just good-byes. Hard for me-- easier for my daughter.

"Rojo" has been our family lingo for school. Officially, she was a member of the Red Class. But since they had some Spanish she learned "rojo" early on and we never looked back.

After her final good-bye hugs today we held hands tightly and my eyes filled with tears as we walked away for the last time. For some reason a cheesy 1990's Semisonic tune was playing in my head... "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end". Rojo was a beginning for her. And now it is an end. But new beginnings await us -- all of us.

Enjoy the summer!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The End of the Year

The school year, that is. As hard as it is to believe, Sophia's first year of Preschool comes to an end on Thursday. It has been quite a journey watching her go from confident to terrified and back again about being left at school. In the end she has had a marvelous time and she has made some of her first friends.

I altered two composition books for her to give her teachers, Miss Cathy and Miss Ilene. It is only fitting that we give them some of our own handiwork since Sophia's end of the year progress report is all about how much she loves doing projects!

Next year it will be five mornings a week for Sophia and two mornings a week for Francesca and Gabriella. They really aren't babies anymore....

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Happy Birthday!

My favorite birthday boy is 37 today and I can even write mushy things about him because he is NOT a regular reader of this forum!

But if he would read it he would know...

How much I appreciate the "D's" -- his Determination, his Drive, his Devotion to us, and the fact that he empties the Dishwasher every morning!

I am awed by his Dedication to the things and the people he loves.

I am Dazzled by the fact that he keeps us completely clutter free.

I am Delighted that he has accepted that little girls (and their Mommies) need goodbye kisses every morning -- especially on Mondays.

I Dream of the good times ahead for our little family.

I am Dumbfounded by the life-changing decisions he is willing to make for all of us.

And so my Dear, I hope that all your Birthday wishes come true.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Organize This!

It's been a busy week around these parts. A whole lot of spring cleaning and organizing and not much bloggin'!

Anyway.. some of my projects have gotten a little more involved than when I started. Case in point -- the bill paying organizer for the desk and the cute little storage box for the case, clip, charger and iPod I can no lonmger live without.

My inspiration for dressing up these containers with tags and ribbons and stickers came from a great site Hillary introduced me to: . LOTS of great ideas.

And before I go I must share one very funny Joe story. (Funny for those you who know him as the "quicker picker upper" like we do.) I have always wanted to organize my cookbooks better. He put them away into a built-in bookcase when we moved here and I have always thought they looked messy --even though they weren't. I realized that what was bothering me was they needed to be organized by HEIGHT -- for a better look on the shelf. So I took them all down and put them away my way and I must say I am sleeping better at night.

Joe comes over to survey my work and says -- and I quote -- "Don't you think that's a little bit anal???" Now I ask you -- is that not the pot calling the kettle......?

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Free Stuff!

Look at my haul of free goodies! I was minding my own business ordering the Cathy Zielske book (side note: this is a scrapbooking must-have -- she has ventured into 12 x 12 and using her own handwriting and wow! -- but I digress...). Fed Ex dropped off a pretty large box for one book and when I opened it I was surprised to find all of this product from Making Memories inside.

The note says I am one of the Top 20 (!) Customers of the web site and this was a thank you. Let's not get into how much and how often you have to shop to be a Top 20 customer -- but suffice it say I will continue to order there.

The selection is good, the prices are discounted and the shipping is always very reasonable. Drop by and say hi to Shari -- maybe you'll get free stuff, as well!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Just Imagine....

This is another Donna assignment I'm finally getting done. I'm short on those portrait-esque photos of the kids but this opportunity presented itself with Francesca-- and I took it.

I journalled about this child's most magnificent imagination -- she has more friends and stories than you could ever imagine.

This was supposed to be a "use your sticker stash" assignment -- but I opted for those Prima Flowers instead now that I am collecting bottles of them at an alarming rate.

This is also the first time I've ordered a pciture in 6 x 9 dimensions -- I'm branching out and using my IMAGINATION....

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


This is a Donna assignment -- finally completed WEEKS later. I put this one off for many reasons. I didn't really have pictures of where we lived -- had to take them and get them developed. But even more than that, I am always torn when I talk about home. There is the "home" that I share with my husband and children that really feels more like temporary lodging in a strange part of the country. And then there is the "home" where I grew up -- down South. The place where all the rest of my family lives and the place I automatically think of when someone says "home".

But today I was moved to complete this little album about the place we call home now. I wanted to preserve these memories because nothing is forever.

Wherever you are make the most of YOUR home, sweet home.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

What Did YOU Do for National Scrapbook Day???

We made our (now) annual jaunt to QVC for the workshop and live studio audience gig.

The projects we did in the worskshop were just great -- and we are really partial to the tag book taught by our buddy, Donna. She's starting to remember us by sight (people should know their stalkers) and she used a Sharpie to autograph Hillary's shoes.

The show was nice, in no small part because we were actually on time this year and scored second row, center section seats. This is a stunning development for a group that is always anchoring the nosebleed area. Lisa Bearnson (Founding Editor of Creating Keepsakes and scrapbooking celebrity) even walked through our row saying "hi" and shaking hands. When she heard we are called "The Scrapford Wives" she wrote it on her hand so that she could remember it on TV. We got TWO mentions on air -- so we must be famous!

I can't for the life of me figure out why live TV there is so much more interesting than the live TV I do every day...

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Spring Shearing....

The girls were all in need of haircuts so I trundled them off to what they affectionately call "the haircut store". I decided to just get everyone shortened up and shaped up for the season. I figured shorter would cut down on the Sophia tangle screams I endure each morning. Francesca needed those bangs out of her eyes immediately -- they grow like weeds. And Gabriella still struggles with baby wisps -- she needed another complete shaping in the interest of growing it nicely.

I think they look neater and cleaner. To hear Joe tell it, I let a sheep herder with clippers loose near their heads. For someone who has few opinions on the way the four of us look -- he always has something to say about hair.

So here is Baby Gigi with her new "do". And I ask you scrapbookers, doesn't she look a little like CZ??? (See blog list to the right if you have no idea who this scrapbooking goddess is.)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


These used to be little acrylic chopstick holders at the Morimoto Restaurant. Somehow they slipped into my purse and have come home as decorative accents inside our koi pond.

Saturday night was date night at this establishment, operated by THE Morimoto of Iron Chef TV Fame. Joe's colleagues in the Finance Department gave us a gift card and we had a fabulous date night. The restaurant itself is beautiful -- with a bamboo ceiling that cahnges colors -- and looks very Stephen Starr-like. (His partner, a famous Philadelphia restaurateur.) The sushi was the best we have ever had -- the raw Japanese oysters were fabulous -- the crab was marvelous -- and the hazelnut ale was a treat.

We left downtown and had some time still ticking on the babysitter clock so we dropped into our local blue-collar tavern where karaoke night was in full swing. Never have so many done so much damage to classics by the Boss.

Date night is a marvelous thing. A chance to talk without being interrupted. A chance to eat without jumping up and down to get things for the kids. And even awful karaoke beats a day with the Wiggles!