Chap Scraps... and so much more

A journal of scrapbooking and memorable moments.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Take Our Daughter to Work Day...

Francesca has ventured out into the working world-- spending a morning with Daddy at the office.

My favorite part of the day was when she woke up, jumped out of bed, grabbed her Strawberry Shortcake lip gloss and declared that she needed to "do her lips" so the boys in the office could see how gorgeous she was!

She reported back that the office was fun because there was lemonade, chocolate muffins, pencils and scissors. She also had an honorary employee badge and distributed the bonuses and paychecks (who wouldn't want to do that??). She's still a little fuzzy on Excel Spreadsheets and debits and credits but then again, so am I.

My little bean counter in training came home and told her baby doll tonight that she had "beautiful eyes". I guess she heard that more than a few times today at the office.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


That's what we are some days. Just silly. It's been a busy week so far -- we have spent hours and hours in Doctor's Offices for a variety of reasons.

The girls are all healthy -- Sophia and Gabriella received immunizations -- and we weigh 42, 29 and 25 pounds.

I seem to have wrenched my back chasing the 25 pounder -- and am on ice and Motrin therapy. I've also received the depressing news that my eyes are getting worse -- that contact lenses may not do the trick anymore -- and I am not a candidate for Lasik. Getting old stinks.

I need another dose of silly!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Really -- It's Spring.

It is 50 degrees today and it has been pouring since last night. We really need the rain but it has put such a damper on the weekend.

Anyway -- I'm working on a Donna mini-album about home and decided to share one of my favorite photos of the front of our house. The magnolia blooms for such a short time -- but each day it is a beautiful reminder of the hope that is Spring.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New Stuff, New Layout...

I subscribe to something called the "Little Red Scrapbook" which means every month a bunch of fabulous scrapbooking goodies arrives in the mail. Everything selected by someone else to perfectly coordinate -- it really helps me to be productive.

This month's kit arrived yesterday featuring Chatterbox's new "Greenhouse" line and I think I'm in love. I tore right in and while Gabriella was napping I got out the paper, markers, glue and yarn and convinced Sophia and Francesca to make kites. We all "crafted" together and this is what I had an hour later.

I was inspired by a challenge at The Scrapbook Site to do a page about dreams...

My favorite part of this one is the tulle frame around the photo. It is easier to see in person that Gabriella was draped in tulle for the actual picture.

And then there is this one...

My weekend was a gallop to the finish. After work Friday a running friend stopped by for pizza and then Aunt Leslie was here with Easter goodies and as soon as we put the girls to bed I headed out for their spring wardrobe night. Kohl's was open until 11:00 and I was almost there until the bitter end. Saturday was the usual errands plus a holiday shopping trip to the (crowded) grocery store and after they were in bed I spent hours and hours prepping the Sunday meal. Got up Sunday, got cooking, and put lunch on the table for us (+ Art) at 12:15. Galloped away from that to work. Arrived home at Midnight ready to collapse. But more than sleep I needed to create. So I whipped this LO together. Another Scrapbook Site Challenge -- and my first crack at doodling. I was SO pleased to be able to use Gammy C's nearly-trademarked bee doodle.

I slept so much better with a Sam Adams White Ale and a completed page under my belt....

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A Charlie Brown Easter

For us Easter is a lot like Thanksgiving -- just swap out Ham for the Turkey.

I put a little dinner on the table before I left for work today. A menu that was decidedly Southern.

We had:

Ham (The Co-Cola kind...)
Baked Pineapple
Corn Pudding
Mashed Potatoes
Baked Asparagus
Deviled Eggs

And for dessert: a Bunny Cake. Totally copied from Kraft -- see Hillary's blog for the link!

We also began the day with Easter Pizza. Not Southern, unless you count Southern Italy.

We've done baskets, had an egg hunt outside, ate a big heavy meal and now it's off to work.

Happy Easter, everyone!

Wanted: One Chocolate Bunny


One Chocolate Bunny
Height: 6 inches tall
Weight: 1 pound
Frame: Solid Milk Chocolate
Last Seen:
Francesca's Easter Basket

We're almost positive the Easter Bunny would have left one chocolate bunny in each Easter Basket. How strange that after Francesca went downstairs to take a look today -- she didn't have one. Hmmmmmm. (Those of you who recall the diamond earring incident from last week will not be surprised by this news...)

If you've seen our missing bunny please let us know. As always in the Carla CrimeStoppers program -- you don't have to give your name -- just your information.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

How the Grinch Stole Easter

So what happens when you combine an 80 degree day, with an Easter Egg Hunt and three little girls????

In our case, grumpy as always!

We attended the Egg Hunt this afternoon at Haverford College. We have the only child who got up during "Duck, Duck, Goose" -- ran halfway around the circle -- and then crossed her arms and plopped back down refusing to play.

She also got all bent out of shape when an older kid nearly knocked her down and snatched an egg practically out of her hand.

Then she wailed all the way to the car that she "didn't have enough eggs".

Santa leaves lumps of coal. What do you think the Easter Bunny will leave for Sophia???

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Another Favorite...

"I'm sure this is what the final scene of "Chariots of Fire" looked like...."

Now, Caption This....

(We are going to sit here until we find out who broke Grandma's priceless vase from the Ming Dynasty.)

Would you believe this is a line-up for an Easter Egg Hunt??? Do they look like they are getting ready to have FUN???? (Or eat spinach......)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It's Picture Caption Time!

(Possible Title: Am I cleared for take-off???? )

We're back from a whirlwind trip to celebrate Frank's 40th and Easter. We had a great time visiting and took hundreds of pictures but alas -- as you might expect -- they really aren't all that good.

So instead of poignant, lovely celebration photos -- over the next few days I will post shots that are in desperate need of captions. So sign up for those Blogger accounts kids -- and post away!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Isn't it Said to Be Bad Luck...

To open an umbrella indoors??? If so -- no one has told my girls. You may recall from previous posts that I am raising three Mary Poppins freaks (Julie Andrews, are you out there???). After two weeks of searching I have finally scored 3 different dress-up umbrellas, in the mandatory 3 different colors. Today they did a lot of twirling and regularly floated down into "London."

It is truly a wonderful thing to have an imagination....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Happy Halloween!

I know -- I'm supposed to be working on the "one year, one album" Donna D project -- but the spirit moved me Friday night to get Halloween 2005 scrapped. I'm not sure why -- except to say that Stacy J has given me permission to scrap at will -- and so I did.

No orange and black in our Halloween -- pink, green and plenty of sparkles!

And look -- done just in time for Easter....